Ithaca is gorges tally: 5 (+2! One of them was pink!)
Saturday, July 30, 2005
Thursday, July 14, 2005
A subway car full of
A subway car full of potato chip ads doesn't make you want potato chips, it just makes you thirsty.
Posted by
2:23 PM
Friday, July 01, 2005
letter i am not sending to the editor of the new york times
dear new york times,
please note that i really couldn't give a fuck about what tom cruise, matt lauer or brooke shields (BROOKE SHIELDS?????) think about psychiatry. none of them knows what they fuck they are talking about, nor do i. if you really think this story is worth further coverage, how about paying a reporter to get off his ass and speak to actual psychiatrists and actual scientists who are critical thereof, instead of letting the star of suddenly susan pontificate pointlessly about personal problems. do you seriously think any self-respecting person in this field will even give you the time of day now? until today, i was vaguely considering obtaining a subscription to the times so that when you close off the opinion section of i could continue reading what this nation's great thinkers are writing, but HOLY SHIT IT'S AN OP-ED BY BROOKE SHIELDS.
Posted by
1:29 AM