It's swell to be... at the DMV.
Monday, October 31, 2005
Saturday, October 22, 2005
Tuesday, October 18, 2005
hipster foods in my fair city
on saturday i saw julia and we went to shake shack. i had fries, which were very good, and chocolate frozen custard which was totally awesome. i went back on monday for the burger (which i had actually been planning to do since the previous week) and i can say only this: holy flirking shnit. that was one of the best burgers i have ever had. it's up there w/ donovan's and corner bistro, except they are making super thick broiled burgers and this was of the thinner, fried on a griddle persuasion. burger joint in the parker meridian can pretty much go fuck themselves this was so good. the line there is so long now anyhow and the burger is good but not even in the same league as shake shack. the big draw to burger joint these days is the "secret" location. shake shack peanut butter ripple custard was also excellent, by the by, though i wish it had been chocolate base instead of vanilla.
inspired by reading some stuff about flushing, tonight i stopped by a place on 41st ave off of main st. in flushing. if it has a name, it's not in english. there's pretty much no english signage in this place period, which is not really strange for that neighborhood. what brought me there however was the promise of good dumplings at the super cheap price of 4 for a dollar. (interjection: yes, dumpling man is a ripoff). i only knew i was in the right place cause the first thing on the menu, which i believe was also completely devoid of english, was labeled as "4/$1.00". the dumplings this place makes were obviously quite excellent... about an hour before i had them. it wasn't busy at all when i got there, and the dumplings i was given were just not remotely fresh, or even more than lukewarm. which was a shame, because the filling was delicious and the price was ridiculously right.
just watched new york noise. the point in the bloc party helicopter video where there are pig/lizards is also the moment it gets to be a little bit much. we are scientists' video of "nobody move nobody get hurt" however is brilliant, without quite being a ripoff of bear city. oh man i love me some bear city.
meanwhile, apparently birthday w/ the family is going to be sunday brunch. anyone know a good place for that, preferably in queens or possibly downtown manhattan?
Posted by
11:52 PM
Sunday, October 16, 2005
extremely blog-like blog entry
playing with the new google-reader, mostly because i like rss readers in theory but they all seem to suck. in fact they're almost like mail clients (see the slogan for mutt). currently i use liferea, which seems to suck the least of the graphical unix ones. it does miss some things, like changing the titles of feeds (for example, i've just discovered that laura renamed her lj, but i have no idea when she did that). I've tried some command-line ones and they suck. the least-sucky of all of the one's i've tried so far has been sage, but that one is a firefox extension, and there are enough things about firefox that bother me. actually, most of them are probably fixable by extensions, but i just can't be bothered, and so will stick w/ galeon.
while on the subject of blog-related software, i wish there was a way for drivel to save drafts to blogger instead of to a local file on my computer.
i have to go to school for 4 days this week! shock and horror. tomorrow however will also be the annual interactive arts performance series concert which sounds pretty cool. last year it sucked (albeit it was a work in progress). in fact it sucked so much i sent an email to jeff complaining about how i had to sit through people standing on stage doing nothing while there were just wind sounds going on for 10 minutes. ugh.
Posted by
8:37 PM
Wednesday, October 12, 2005
come again some other day
the levels at which i do not want to travel an hour and a half each way in the rain for an hour and 15 minute class is so, so great. oh good i'm already late.
ok, that was some inadvertent bad poetry. i didn't mean to rhyme, honest.
Posted by
9:58 AM
Tuesday, October 11, 2005
i should not be eating sugary cereals at this time of night
i really like to read old sent-mail files. i have all of mine going back at least through college. i was looking at some from that period tonight. i think i was happiest during my sophomore year. interestingly, that's also when i had my highest GPA.
interesting question i am now asking myself: why did i need a soldering iron in september of my junior year?
i forgot that once upon a time i had i think that was from a company that gave away free domain names if you allowed them to send you spam. i rarely use the knightbg nickname anymore.
i just got to september 11, 2001. didn't even see it coming, despite the fact that i had manually called up september 2001 (they are separated by month). this being my email, it seems to reflect how a lot of people tried to just keep moving forward with work and the like. i was stuck out in queens that morning having gone to vote in the canceled mayoral primary. i seemed to think it important to email my boss to tell her i was stuck in queens and wouldn't be in... seems silly now.
i think part of what keeps me reading these is that some threads are begun in one month and left unfinished... i need to read the next month's to see if the story was resolved!
man i used to email people a lot about what homework was assigned in class. there were just a few classes i pretty much never went to i guess.
i read things that i wrote about classes i remember taking. i have no idea what some of them mean. did i really once understand that much about hobbes? even data structures.
i'm finally tired.
Posted by
4:01 AM