- The Association - Cherish
- The The - This is the Day
- Brian Eno - Baby's On Fire
- Dean Gray - Dr. Who on Holiday
- Annie - Chewing Gum
You can pretty much kill me on that last one, as its pretty much the worst kind of electropop possible. What can I say, it's super catchy, and the video is hot.
Dean Gray is actually a pseudonym for a couple of mashup artists. "Dr. Who on Holiday" is track 2 off of their illicit "American Idiot" mashup "American Edit." In this case, they've mixed Holiday with "Doctorin' the Tardis," itself a mashup of the Doctor Who theme and "Rock and Roll Part 2" by Gary Glitter. That one was done by The Timelords , who were in reality The KLF, in 1988. "Dr. Who on Holiday" however seems to contain a fair amount of the original Glitter track as well. The last 30 seconds or so of the track threaten to be too much, with The Timelords' chanting "Doctor Who, The Tardis" with that noisy guitar playing the melody right on top of them, Gary Glitter yelling "Hey-ey," Doctor Who's radiophonic "ooh-ooh-OOOH" whine, Green Day's drums and on top of it all Billy Joe Armstrong belting out "on holiday" over and over. I think there may even be a little of the other, fairly unintelligible chant from the middle of Doctorin' the Tardis in there somewhere. As if that weren't enough, our friendly remixers put Billy Joe through an effects processor. But somehow it all gels together for one of those really zen mashup moments.
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