Wednesday, August 30, 2006

things you should do if you are john

  1. go to a bookstore
  2. go to the cookbook section
  3. find "the best light recipe" (the "light" cookbook from america's test kitchen)
  4. turn to whatever page the preface is on
  5. read christopher kimball's preface
  6. fall over

really everyone should do this because it's great. it's even better if you bring another person with you so that you can read it aloud to him or her. or just read it to random strangers in the bookstore, clearly they will love you for it.

Monday, August 28, 2006

link spam

an oldie, but a goodie: Fight Club: the return of Hobbes.

Sunday, August 27, 2006

song obsession update

  • New Order - Crystal
  • New Order - Here to Stay
  • The Cloud Room - Hey Now Now
  • They Might Be Giants - Ana Ng

that's right, those are two more recent new order songs. you gots a problem with that? i didn't think so. interestingly enough, both of these songs actually have titles that relate to their lyrical content! crazy.

i'm not really into the cloud room song anymore actually. i had a very brief little period with that one but it's pretty much over. i haven't really felt totally addicted to any song for that matter in some time. blech.