Wednesday, November 09, 2005


just watched the trailer for "the fountain," which is easily the movie i am most anticipatory of right now. the trailer was meh, but i'm still pretty psyched for it. it would have been better with some well done music!

also looking forward to match point, the new woody allen movie which is supposed to be super awesome. the trailer for that is constructed so that it's all very non-woody allen (pulsing music, hot young actors, etc) and then at the end they just toss in "from director woody allen." when i saw the trailer last week with "kiss kiss bang bang," the audience totally fell for it, and when the woody allen credit came on screen there was an audible murmur throughout the crowd. whoever did that trailer should win some kind of prize.

speaking of prize winning trailers, if you haven't seen them, fake trailers that switch up the genres of famous movies:


  1. hehehe they did totally fall for it. and we giggled the laugh of the righteous.

  2. DUDE that Shining one is awesome!!!!

    And I will have to look up the woody allen trailer b/c that does indeed sound amusing. :-)

  3. um yeah, that was me.

    - LAURA
