Thursday, June 08, 2006

we also create false promises

for the beatles loving girls who read my blog but not boingboing...


  1. oh WOW. wowowowow.

    i'm glad that "i want to hold your hand" translated into whatever has like 3 lines in it, repeated over and over. not that the actual song has that many more lines, but seriously.

    i also enjoy how the dancing, even when they try to westernize it and make it like the twist, is still bizarrely bollywood-ish.

    oh, mop-tops.

  2. yeah, so surprisingly? this is far more entertaining with sound. WOWWWWW. Yeah i'm still just kind of staring at my computer like "no you didn't really do that!" so so so fantastic. woooooooowwwwww.

    sidenote: it is possible that fudge will be the baked good which i end up requesting for my birthday. does one even bake fudge? is that something you have done before or should i keep trying? just a random thought!

  3. as i'm sure john, an avid watcher of good eats, can tell you, fudge is technically a candy and is not baked. i can't say that i've actually made fudge before, but hell, why not. everybody likes fudge.
