Sunday, July 16, 2006

fuck algebra

i have been known to complain that a familiarity with calculus should be something that's expected of all college graduates, much in the way that a vague familiarity with hamlet is. i mean, i'm not asking for history majors to be able to solve differential equations here, but they should know what a derivative is, and maybe an integral.

but i don't even know why i bother to think these thoughts when a journalist for the fucking london times CAN'T EVEN MULTIPLY. Ok, it's not like i'm really so hot at arithmetic myself, but if i was going to publish an article in, well, anything, let alone the sunday fucking times, you can bet i would check to make sure that my arithmetic was right. plus i own a calculator. EARTH TO STUPIDHEAD: 2^16 is 65536, not FOUR BILLION.

ok, so actually he got that right, but somehow managed to decide that a 16-bit binary number could have 2^32 values. again, STUPIDHEAD. and i don't bring that name out unless i really mean it.

IPv4 addresses have 32 bits (not 16) and IPv6 addresses have 128 (not 32) bits. and what the fuck is up with all of the scare quotes? "internet address", "16-bit", "32-bit". It's not like the guy you talked to just made these terms up, that's what the fuck they're called. guy from the times: you are officially as retarded as the people at the cheesesteak place that put up a sign that says "This is America, speak english" with superfluous quotes around the words "speak english." at least they make delicious cheesesteaks; you've probably never even made a proper tea, which we all know is england's gift to the culinary landscape.

1 comment:

  1. i almost snorted soda out my nose at the EARTH TO STUPIDHEAD. possibly the most mature i've known you to be of late!
